In India, Manufacturing industry is competing with global companies and becoming successful, as recent campaign of Prime Minister “Make in India” is being noticed by young generation as well as it is getting global recognition.
In any country, manufacturing industry is backbone of its economy. It helps to shift majority of population above poverty line as it demands high manpower.
It also support other sectors like agriculture, Infrastructure etc.
Indian manufacturing industry is manpower oriented industry as manpower is low waged and easily available. In other countries major work is automated and these countries have high waged manpower.
India is now becoming an attractive center for foreign investors in manufacturing sector. Mobile, cars, luxury brands are looking to establish their manufacturing bases in Country.
Now that industry has grown and taken increasingly bigger role on global level. It certainly takes time to realize if particular technology damages environment. That means significant amount of damage is already done before government policies catches the damage.
Therefore to track and identify impacts of manufacturing industry on environment at early stage, data can be captured by conducting Environmental monitoring in company premises and required recommendations can be given to reduce pollution.
Consent to Establish and Operate for Manufacturing Industry
For any new entrepreneur for manufacturing unit has to take necessary approvals from government authorities. One of the major approval is Consent to Establish (CTE) NOC and operate (CTO) from MPCB (Maharashtra Pollution Control Board) for manufacturing or production Industry.
We have 25 years of experience in getting consent to establish, operate and renewal of consent for manufacturing industry.
Environmental Monitoring in Manufacturing or production Industry
Our environmental monitoring services for manufacturing industry will help you to confirm that your clean rooms, company premises, workplace area are free from Pollutants such as PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx, Cl2 etc.
As the leading environmental monitoring provider for manufacturing or production industry we offer incomparable experience, expertise and resources.
Our environmental Monitoring services Include:
Air quality Monitoring
Our air quality monitoring services include ambient and indoor air quality monitoring for harmful gaseous emission parameters like VOC (Volatile organic Compounds), Benzene, NOx, H2S, SO2, SPM (Suspended Particulate matter) and RSPM (Respirable Suspended Particulate matter) in Manufacturing or Production Industry.
Stack Monitoring
We offer emission monitoring and testing services for those companies who doesn’t have online stack monitors installed for parameters like SO2, TPM, Cl2 etc. Stack emission testing includes Boiler, DG set stack, Chimney, scrubber etc. types of Stacks.
Noise level monitoring
Our Company offers services in Noise level monitoring and impact assessment. It helps to identify the problem areas which may impact human health.
ETP / STP Operation and maintenance
Our company offers services in Wastewater management i.e. effluent treatment plant or sewage treatment plant management i.e. operation-maintenance for Manufacturing or production industry.
We provide dedicated staff to take care of ETP / STP at client site with required chemicals, frequent tank Cleanings, waste-water analysis and safety measure of staff.
Our staff are trained to keep all necessary records so that it becomes easier to note early signs of irregularity.
Environmental Services
We also offer Environmental Impact assessment, Water CESS Returns, Risk Assessment, Soil testing, Water analysis, Illuminations survey and Workplace Monitoring for hazardous gases for manufacturing or Production Industry in India.
Have Questions? Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.