Mold Testing for Homes
Mold Testing for Homes and offices, inspection & detection of Mold Services are offered by Perfect Pollucon Services. We carry out Mold spore tests such as indoor air quality testing & house surface sampling, professional Mold testing to identify the causes of Molds and solutions to remove them permanently.
Ever experienced black spots on walls and floors; or the green fuzzy thing on food items? If yes, I am sure you wondered what they are and how they are formed.
These spots and green fuzzy thing are nothing but Mold.
What is Mold and How Is It Formed?
Mold is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular thread like structures called hyphae. It reproduces by means of tiny spores.
For the growth of mold, it seeks
- Moisture
- Warmth
- Food
Once the spore lands on moist surface, it may begin growing.
Mold is found in damp building materials, where it often appears like stains and comes in a variety of colours. A musky smell is an indication of microbial growth even when there is no visible growth.

Some common activities create a perfect environment for the growth of mold indoors and few of these activities are;
- Washing
- Cooking
- Seepage in walls
- Leakage from taps
- Poor ventilation
- High humidity
Molds are found everywhere and mold spores are a common component of household and workplace dust. However, mold spores when present in large quantity pose a threat to human health.
Health Effects of Mold
We might not be aware of the reason behind our allergic reactions or eye irritation, but one of the reasons behind these could be due to mold.
Mold Allergy Symptoms
Yes. Mold exposures can result into allergic reactions, aggravated asthma, cough, chest or sinus congestion, runny nose, eye irritations and sick building syndrome.
Not sure if the allergic reactions you are suffering from are due to mold. Then you can find it out by performing mold tests.
Sampling and Testing of Molds
Mold sampling and testing helps you to find if you have mold in your home or workplace and also helps to find mold which is not visible to naked eye. Testing of mold gives an idea about the species and amount of mold present at home or office and where it is growing. Sampling of amount of mold spores aids in measuring indoor air quality For Residential.

Mold Testing Techniques
Mold sampling and testing or inspection can be carried out by taking help of professional or you can do it yourself as well. Some of the methods for mold testing for homes and offices are;
- Professional mold testing
- Mold test kits
- Multiple mold tests

Professional Mold testing: Professional can be hired to sample, analyse or inspect the molds present at your home or office.
Mold Test Kits: Mold test kits can be used if you want to check the presence of molds at your home or office by yourself. The collected samples then can be sent to laboratories for identification and enumeration of mold species if present.
Multiple Mold Tests: In multiple mold tests samples are collected from air and surface and these are sub-cultured further for identification and enumeration of mold species.
But, by now you all would have started wondering what all should be done once presence of mold is confirmed. Haven’t you all?
So, no need to wonder anymore. Just follow some of these tips to combat mold in your home or office.
Also Read about our Air quality Testing Services
Mold Control Measures
Controlling growth of mold or eliminating its presence can be achieved by following any of the control measures.
- Cutting down the basic requirement for growth – Moisture
Sometimes it may get difficult to get rid of mold and its spores from our home or office, but as it requires moisture to thrive, we can reduce moisture. Reducing moisture content/humidity in our home or office is the best way to control or eliminate mold.
Moisture content can be maintained by using dehumidifiers, air conditioners, indoor plants which helps balance humidity.
- Repair
Fixing leakage, seepage and running taps helps to remove additional moisture. Thus helps us to eliminate mold growth.
- Ventilation
Proper circulation of air between rooms helps control humidity and brings in fresh air, it thus helps eliminate chances of mold growth and increases indoor air quality. YOu can also refer to Our Ventilation Survey procedure.
- Cleanliness
Having a clean indoor environment reduces the chances of mold growth.
Mold Testing Company
Perfect Pollucon Services offers services in professional Mold sampling and testing services for homes and offices. It helps to understand the causes for molds and possible measures to remove them.
Mold is present everywhere. Almost every home gets mold.
But Remember!
The trick is to get them before they grow and harm us and our home.
I really appreciate all the information about testing for mold in your home or office. My husband and I have been getting sick more often and are considering getting our home tested for mold soon just to be sure we’re okay. Thank you for talking about how you can hire a professional to sample, analyze, and inspect any molds present.
Thanks for sharing.
Mold is a growth of minute fungi forming on vegetable or animal matter, commonly as a downy or furry coating and associated with decay or dampness. They are genetically similar to yeasts. There are thousands of known varieties of molds.
Mold is found everywhere and can grow on almost any substance when moisture is present. They reproduce by spores, which are carried by air currents. When spores land on a moist surface suitable for life, they begin to grow. Mold is normally found indoors at levels which do not affect most healthy individuals.
About the mold forming. Because common building materials are capable of sustaining mold growth and mold spores are ubiquitous, mold growth in an indoor environment is typically related to water or moisture exposure and may be caused by incomplete drying of flooring materials (such as concrete). Flooding, leaky roofs, building-maintenance, or indoor-plumbing problems can lead to interior mold growth. Water vapor commonly condenses on surfaces cooler than the moisture-laden air, enabling mold to flourish. This moisture vapor passes through walls and ceilings, typically condensing during the winter in climates with a long heating season. Floors over crawl spaces and basements, without vapor barriers or with dirt floors, are mold-prone. The “doormat test” detects moisture from concrete slabs without a sub-slab vapor barrier. Some materials, such as polished concrete, do not support mold growth.
Daniel |
Well, I agree with you that molds will grow due to moisture, warmth, and food. Although, it never occurred to me that mold exposures may also cause allergic reactions in the long run. Anyhow, since I will be moving into a new home, I would make sure to hire an inspection service that will be able to determine if this type of fungi exists on my property.
It is really helpful when you mentioned that you may need mold testing when you had a leakage from taps since molds need a source of moisture to grow. My mom is suspecting that we have mold in the house since we recently had a leakage and now the house smells musty. I think it’s best to look immediately for a mold testing professional to check if we grew molds in the house and get rid of them as soon as possible.
Mold is a fungus that grows in moist environments. It can cause health problems for people who are exposed to it. Mold can grow in homes if the humidity is high and there is water damage. It can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and allergic reactions. If mold is found, you can hire experts.